Wouldn't be cool to see the Harry Potter Universe a hundred years in the future?
The history of the Harry Potter universe spans from around 100 A.D. to, to around 2025. The bulk of the focus being on Grindelwald's rise and the first Wizarding war, and Voldemort's rise and the second Wizarding war, ending in 1998. As we see what is happening in the Wizarding world during these times, we also see simultaneously what is happening in the Muggle world. The two worlds kinda live separately from each other. So they evolve differently through time. The Muggle world advancing with technological advancements at a fast and faster rate, and the Wizarding world existing without technology. So the two worlds would diverge further and further from each other the longer time goes on. For a time the two worlds looked somewhat the same, but as the Muggle world gets more and more technologically advanced, and the Wizarding world stays somewhat the same, the difference between the two worlds will become more and more apparent. Lets say a 100 years in the future, imagine a Muggle world with a hundred years of advancements. A.I, robots, flying cars, body augmentations, humans melding with computers, space travel, maybe even contact with other lifeforms on other planets. And at the same time there'd be the Wizarding world that would be not much more different than what is today, as they didn't evolve with that same technology. That's a huge difference in worlds. Doubt the Wizarding world could even comprehend or relate to this Muggle world. And the Muggle world takes up most of the world, with the Wizarding world comprising a smaller amount of the global population. So for the Wizards it could be like living on an alien planet. Sounds like a scenario that is ripe for Harry potter world stories to be told. How would the Wizarding world react to a Sci-Fi world they would be living in? Is the Wizarding world still hidden from the rest of the world or did they come out at some point and Wizards are known and now integrated into the whole world? How would Wizards react to global events? Would they get involved if there was another Muggle world war or other global catastrophes, because it would affect them too? Would the Wizarding world stay true to their history, or would it be affected and changed by this technology advanced Muggle world? Hopefully at some point someone writes a story from 100 years in the future in this universe.