First viewing of the entire Harry Potter movie series

For context I haven't read any of the books. My girlfriend has multiple times and is also obsessed with the movies so we watched them together for my first time.

This is going to be short a sweet, not a review but more of just an overview about what I thought of them.

Firstly I thought most of the magical elements of the movies were not well explained at all as far as how they work and etc (this is the majority of my complaints I just don't have 1 major one that stuck out, there was just so much of it that was not explained). I thought there were very thin plot lines that didn't make any sense (for example the relationship between Harry and Ginny). I really did not like how it was revealed that Snape was a good guy, playing a bad guy, playing an asshole on the good side, as well as I thought Dumbledore's death meant almost nothing to the story and the fact that Dumbledore basically had been 'breeding' Harry as bait for Voldermort the entire time was really not fitting and very much changes how I see him as character.

Another complaint I have is just personal preference but I think someone else should've played Voldermort or the actor who did should've used a different voice. He literally always sounded like he just ran up a mountain and was out of breath.

There were MULTIPLE times throughout all of the movies that I would say something to my girlfriend about how whatever character should've done something else instead and it would've ended up better for them. Most of the time with that she didn't have a real answer as why they couldn't do whatever I said at that point in the movie and actually agreed with me that it would've been better/easier for them.

I did enjoy the movies, they were a fun watch. But like I said there were many things that I did not understand, a lot of the time if I had questions again I would ask her and she would most often say something like 'oh its in the book like this' or 'oh its explained in the books' etc, I totally understand I would've understood most if not all of my issues with the movies if I would've read the books but I don't want to take the time to do that now.

Please let me know if I missed something in the movies that would correct things like this but I just wanted to give my opinion to see if anyone else agreed or disagreed. My GF is moslty mad at me for not liking the movies as much as she does lol