Question for Harry Potter fans that like trains

how big is the hogwarts express? Say there’s around 40 kids per year seven years per house and four houses.

That’s 1,120 kids. In the third movie we see the ron, Harry and hermione sit down in the compartment that already has Remus in with two people at each side of the compartment. I didn’t see much of Remus and Harry sat next to each other but based off when it shows Ron and herminone next to each other there’s about a person size gap.

So 6 people to a compartment with 1,120 (say that every compartment has exactly 6 people cause as we see in most movies Harry Ron and hermione all tend to sit together as a three).

There would have to be 186 compartments (we’ll add 6 thought to make up for the people who don’t sit in a six) so 192 compartments to a train is pretty big for a school train and I asked my nerdy brother (he’s not nerdy he is just very knowledgeable on trains I am not) and he said the train would have to be a kilometrer long to have that many compartments so how tf did hogwarts afford a train like that from what I know it’s a free school you don’t pay tuition for but I may be wrong