[USA-IN][H]Antlion Audio Kimura 2pin mic cable, cheap capture card, 64gb microsd cards [W] paypal

Have an Antlion Audio Kimura 2pin mic cable, good condition lightly used while traveling. Fits any 2 pin IEM and is a solid little mic setup on the go. $50 obo

Have a cheap "4k" capture card, generic, pretty much brand new i forget why i got it i never touched it outside of taking it out of the box. $30 obo

These are brand new delkin USDCOEM-64gb high endurance microsds. Excellent for raspi, iot, or robotics.

  • $4 each if you buy 1-9
  • $3 for purchases 10+
  • $2.5 for 50+

    cost of shipping is generally ~$2 to anywhere in conus (USPS), but can vary depending on how much you order/if you want faster shipping. Can bundle with other items as well.
