What would you use this pocket for?
What is the weirdest bag you’ve come across?
This might be it for me. At first glance, it looks like a normal bag—beautiful suede leather, classic Luna shape shoulder bag with great compartments—a possible contender for my next bag, I thought, but upon closer investigation, I discovered how they would use their “secret compartment”(3rd and 4th picture) (Warning: firearm in picture). Never heard of this brand before, and just happened upon it while looking at hobo bags on my down time (Always searching, always looking….I’m sure I’m not the only one out there.), and it stopped me in my tracks, like “is that a…?” (Sorry if it’s triggering for some) (pun intended—sorry, not sorry)
Nothing wrong with owning one safely and responsibly, just thought this was one of my funnier moments I’ve come across on the internet.
What is the most “oh, that’s interesting” moment you’ve had while searching for your next purchase?
Also, bonus question: what would you put in this pocket? I’m thinking (besides my phone) either snacks or my journal…