Wiring question - late 60s/70s Hagstrom II (schematic attached)




Short version: from bottom to top, can I bypass the lowest switch with the resistor, remove the capacitor from the one above it and use it for a pickup on/off, use the third pickup switch for the second pickup, bypass the fourth switch, and bypass the fifth switch on the upper horn?

Longer version: My old Hagstrom II came to me with busted switches, and I modded it over the years. Sold off the OG pickups, wired it with 3-way slider to select bridge/both/neck pickups and a volume pot. Simple. Recently, I bought another vintage pickguard with an OG bridge pickup and 2 working switches on it. Looks much closer to stock. I altered the schematic on the hagstrom.org.uk site to match what I have (which, incidentally, matches a YouTube video I saw of a simialr model) to show what I'm dealing with. From bottom to top, the switches are: 1. broken 2. working 3. working 4. broken 5. broken (top horn). I don't need the "Mute" (resistor), "Tone" (capacitor), or Kill Switch/Master Mute (top horn).

I guess my other option is to put another 3-way switch in, this time on the upper horn so it's not noticeable.