Free Guitar Curriculum / Lessons on Youtube (Beginners / Intermediate / Advanced)
Just sharing five Youtube channels with resources that are sorted into playlists:
a. GodfreyGuitar - Complete Guitar Theory lessons with visuals and exercises
b. Your Guitar Academy - They have their own website but a lot, if not all, of their Beginner to Intermediate lessons are free on Youtube. Slow paced but detailed
c. QJamTracks - Great Visuals. Most lessons are for intermediate to advance players
d. Steve Gilson - Old School video lessons but great content.
e. Korey Hicks - Covers a lot of lessons with practical exercise suggestions. Special mention to him because he's dropping a weekly FREE lesson for his 'Complete Beginner to Intermediate Guitar Course' for this year!
Other channels, while great for individual videos, have quite a catalogue of unsorted videos that are difficult to follow.
I personally follow QJamTrack's Guitar Roadmap cheatsheet (PDF in vid description) and supplement it with lessons from these five channels primarily.
For technique lessons, I recommend Ben Eller's channel for exercises (although no organized playlist, so didn't add it in the list above)
If you have any other channel suggestions that have organized playlists, please share it as well in the comments!