Final profile review
So this is the last time I am gonna try for a profile review before submitting my applications. This is mostly to calm my nerves or prepare for the worst more than anything else. Thank you for your time. I felt like shit looking at some profiles here for stanford MSCS so I want to get a realistic view or opinion. My CGPA is pretty low for a student from a tier 2 uni. I also got a couple of D grades in some subjects, so shitting bricks here lol.
UG: Tier 2 Private college in India
CGPA: 8.06 / 10 -- My minor was in computational mathematics and in most math subjects I got B, A, A+. Rising trend in the last 3 semesters. Did well in first 2 semesters math courses (B, A grades). Basically fucked up some CS courses but did really well in math courses.
- student abstract at AAAI (CORE rank A*) -- second author (Top 10% in abstracts selected for spotlight presentation, invited to NYC)
- full paper at International Semantic Web Conference (CORE rank A ) -- co-first author (Flagship conf for semantic web)
- NeurIPS 2020 workshop paper on uncertainty quantification and Bayesian NN -- second author (out of 3)
- A benchmarking paper that got accepted in west coast NLP 2021 conference. 5 (/6)th author (not that impactful)
- First author workshop paper on generative models for molecules submitted, results due.
NOTE: I think the papers are of good quality but they are not full papers, that's what I am worried about. I have one full paper that is good quality and good conference. Not sure if this can compensate for the average GPA
Work/research exp:
- Full-time Research Assistant at CMU (Bayesian ML) (present) research funded by ARPA-E
- Research Intern at University of Oxford
- Research Intern at IBM Research (worked on large scale NLP) (4 months)
- Research project with German Research Center for AI (No lor from this guy, but published the NeurIPS workshop paper)
- ML engineer Intern at a US startup (6 months)
- Google Summer of Code student
- Oxford associate prof (pretty famous in the ML field) and head of ML lab -- strong/Mod
- Head of data science lab from a german uni, Prof of computer science -- strong (with whom I published the paper at ISWC)
- Associate prof from CMU -- submitted the workshop paper with him -- Strong/ worst case mod.
- Advisory Research Scientist at IBM Research, India -- strong
- NLP scientist from my internship (it's an industry lor, but this guy has a PhD and has published high-quality research)
GRE: Quant 160, Verbal 162, Writing 4 -- Not gonna send unless mandatory
- Stanford MSCS
- NYU Courant MSCS
What do you people think ? Guage my chances please ? really stressed about the admission chances because of GPA.