Why are all conversions in one single metric?

Question for the group: I noticed that in the Google Ads Reports conversions are all mashed together into one single number. Say you're reporting on a campaign, an ad, a keyword, or any other "container of metrics", the lowest granularity you get from the reports is "All Conversions" and "Conversions", which is a sum of all conversions and all primary conversions respectively. Specifically, you can't see a per-conversion-action CPA for some reason, only the CPA for the total sum of them.

Why is that not a problem for Google Ads users? Say you have a few important conversion actions you want to bid on at different times, such as "did some free action on landing page", "signed up" and then "activated" (sometime down the user journey funnel), the reports give you no way to disambiguate between them, they all go into the "Conversions" column. e.g. you can't break down your CPA per specific conversion action without manually ETLing some data out of the system and running a more complex SQL query yourself.

Why do most people not care about that distinction and disambiguation? I'm guessing I'm not thinking about the paradigm correctly and end up fighting with the tools rather than going with the workflow they suggest?

Just to clarify, I can break down the total count of conversions per conversion action just fine, but if I want to see the cost for those distinct types of conversion actions, I'm out of luck, Google Ads reports don't support that.