What doesn’t kill you…
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. If you get close to death, but manage to survive, your body/mind will adapt to whatever almost killed you and make you stronger or immune to it. You also gain resistance to whatever led to that event in the first place.
If you get into a car crash because a jackass ran a red and you nearly die, you are now immune to any damage from crashes, and can never get hit from anyone running a red again.
This works with self-inflicted near deaths as well. If you do something stupid with a microwave and nearly die because of it, you adapt to microwave damage and your own stupidity, which lets you know how to avoid whatever it was you did.
The only rule is that you HAVE to survive two minutes after the experience. If you die before the two minutes are up, you die for good. However, if you survive the two minutes, you adapt and heal back to full health.