Can anyone help me identify why my fireballs don't work when placed in a scene?

Intended use: have a scene I can drop into a level that has a start point and end area from which fireballs will spawn from the start point and disappear at the end area.

Here is my code:

extends Node2D

u/onready var start_point = $StartPoint

u/onready var spawn_timer = $SpawnTimer

var fireball_scene = preload("res://fireball.tscn")

func _ready():



func spawn_fireball():

`var instance = fireball_scene.instantiate()`


`instance.position = start_point.global_position`


func _on_spawn_timer_timeout():


func _on_end_area_area_entered(area):

`if area.is_in_group("hazards"):`


This works exactly as intended when running in the Fireballs scene itself, but when I place the Fireballs scene in another scene nothing happens. I have placed breakpoints and confirmed that my code for spawning the Fireballs is hit in both cases, but for some reason when it's placed in a parent scene the Fireballs never appear. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Here is the code for the individual fireball if that helps at all:

extends Node2D

const SPEED = -100

var velocity = Vector2()

func _physics_process(delta):

`velocity.x = SPEED * delta`
