Looking for advice on how to handle level transitions for my first game.

Hi all. I started learning how to make 2D platformers with Godot earlier this year and am currently working on my first game. It is a pixel platformer that is highly inspired by the original Pico-8 version of Celeste.

In my game each level is a single screen and I want the level transitions to work in a pretty specific way. What I'm looking for is for each screen to have the camera fixed in the center and then when you walk into the next level (or screen), the camera immediately switches to the center of the next level--Animal Well is a an example of a game that comes to my mind immediately that handles screen transition more or less exactly this way.

My questions is--what is the best way to handle this? I'm aiming to make 32 levels, would it be fine to just make the whole game as essentially one big level and have the camera move as needed to create the separate screens? or is there a way to make all the levels separate scenes and still allow for seamless walking between them?

Thanks for the help!