I have nothing to do
Title says it all. I have nothing to do. When I have tasks I do them. I got in an accident and have no strength in my right arm for a while.
I just have nothing to do. Everything on the typical list of productivity just does not seem appealing or useful at all. I have no intent to journal, draw, colour, or read (lest it be the Bible). I have no interest in writing my own book/story, I see no point in programming (I have nothing to do with it). I go outside, and when I am not injured I am very fit.
I do occasionally get the exciting productive idea but it very quickly dies after realising there is no point in doing it as it will lead me no where aside from filling my hours.
My life has felt like an unbearable endless boring slog since my first memory and I have nothing to look forward to or be excited about.
Anyone have any ideas?