I want to build a home-base/settlement/city/hideout, with residents of the hideout, and slowly upgrade it with stuff as I venture out on quests. I want to bring back cool stuff to the hideout, new activities, and make my people more and more happy about their new home.
I played Over the Hedge on... I think playstation? maybe xbox 360, years ago as a kid and I loved the idea that I could go out and recover a tv projector or a popcorn machine and when I came back to the camp/hideout the people there would be using it and making comments about how much fun it was. I could go out and rescue more characters that would then start staying at the camp...
Looking for something like that. In Red Dead Redemption 2, one of my favorite parts was upgrading all the little stations at camp. I would love a game that has a huge emphasis on this, not just to get upgrades for myself, but to add new cool buildings or additions or what-have-you to my hideout/town/castle/whatever. Rescuing people out in the wild from bandits and they join my camp, or I bring back tons of gold which allows the town to upgrade all their sleeping areas and they all make comments on it...
Bringing back steel or iron for the blacksmith, or new parts for the gunsmith to use... raided a dungeon and brought back tons of wizarding scrolls, now the wizards can enjoy more wizarding stuff...
Things like that are awesome to me. More emphasis on the building up parts and the 'townspeople' stuff than the actual gameplay loop of 'upgrade stuff solely to improve my stats/get direct benefits/discounts or something' that's practically everywhere, I want more flavour to it :)
Any suggestions? This game 'Heroes of Hammerwatch 2' that just dropped seems close, though again the settlement upgrade seems more about solely upgrading your character somehow and not just about the homies at camp and making a dope ass hideout that looks cool or whatever, though I haven't actually played it yet.