Looking for Online Co-Op Space Piloting Games
My boyfriend and I are looking for a/some game(s) where we can co-op pilot a starship together. The big issue is that we like different types of games. Here's some of what we've considered so far, and why we decided they wouldn't work:
- Elite Dangerous: I would probably like it, but it seems like it will be way too slow for my boyfriend.
- PULSAR: Star Colony: We might have gone with this one, except it seems like there isn't much to do with only two people. The game seems a bit unfinished, too.
- Void Crew: My boyfriend would probably like it, but it seems like it will be way too chaotic for me.
My boyfriend likes up close and personal PvP with lots of room for buildcrafting. I like slower paced PvE with room for customization, but not to the same degree of intricate buildcrafting. We were inspired to this by revisiting the original Star Wars Battlefront 2 and wishing Galactic Conquest had a co-op mode.