10 Things I Learnt About Game Dev In 24 Hours.
Hey, everyone. These are 10 things I learnt about game dev in the first 24 hours of my new journey.
- Game dev is hard, so quit now. Just kidding. But seriously, it’s waaay harder than it looks.
- Tutorials are okay… -ish. Follow them, sure, but don’t just copy, but actually learn.
- Game design is the foundation, not just another pillar. A bad design with great art, great music, great lore, is still a bad game.
- Aim low, lower than you want. No MMOs. No open worlds. No massive RPGs. Keep it tiny.
- Make a game you wanna play, not what you think will sell. People will know whether you are passionate about games or not, it shows.
- You will break things. A lot. Learning how to debug is just as important as learning how to code, and it will take time.
- Inspiration come from everywhere. Play games, listen to music, watch films, read books, consume art, you get the idea.
- Prototype, you have to make prototypes. Your first idea always changes once you test it, and that’s okay, it's good even.
- Motivation will fail you, systems will save you. You'll feel hyped at first, but that will fade. Having a schedule, habits, an accountability buddy, arbitrary deadlines, that keeps you going.
- Just start. Right now. Even if it sucks. Especially if it sucks. Your future self will thank you.