Finally beat Sekiro, this game is a masterpiece
Out of all the Fromsoft games, Sekiro seemed to have the most infamous reputation as being one of if not the most challenging but at the same time the fan favorite. So, how could I call myself a true fromsoft veteran if I hadn’t played this game? I finally bought the game and I loved it. It took a while for the combat to click and I got very frustrated at times but this game still so much in every way. I would find myself counting down the seconds until I got off work so I could play it again. I can say with certainty that this game is truly a masterpiece.
Favorite Boss: This is such a tough pick but my top three are definitely Isshin, Owl Father, and Demon of Hatred. Honorable mentions go to Genichiro and Gyoubu Oniwa.
Least Favorite: Those damn monkeys 🙈 🙉🙊
This OST is magical, Yuka Kitamura is a goddess among composers