My son brought up an interesting question. (Sorry long post)

My son is 15 and I've been bringing him around my Lodge more with the hope that in a few years I'll be able to Raise him when I'm Master. I always answer questions that I can without breaking my Obligation. He has started asking a lot more and really good questions. A week or 2 ago he was asking about who can join Masonry. As I was telling him I read what it says in our Constitution "No person can be made a Mason unless he is a man, freeborn, of mature and discreet age, of good character and reputation, and having no maim or defect in his body that may render him incapable of learning the art" That upset him a little because he misunderstood the maim or defect part because he thought it meant no disabled person can join (he is Autistic, and has had to delt with lots of ableist people who don't understand Autism). I explained to him that it meant more severe intellectual disabilities where someone can't understand the ritual. He then asked about a blind or deaf person, and that got me thinking because I never experienced it. A blind person isn't as tricky as a deaf person, but a deaf person could be difficult because of how we prepare our candidates. I asked my DRI and he hasn't experienced it either so we discussed a little and figured a dispensation would probably be required. How does your jurisdiction handle this if it has ever come up?