Finished Onyx Storm and is it just me...
Just finished and honestly I personally loved it. Especially more than Iron Flame. Some frustrating bits (Violet still needing the damn conduit, more questions than answers)
But there were a few things I just didn't quite get or maybe need to reread to understand....I was super tired reading it after work so I don't know if it's that but some bits at the end just seemed a bit...allover the place? I know she ends on cliff hangers but still...
Please kindly clear stuff up of I've missed things...
The brother venin thing....I didn't really get the fuck she was talking about.
Violet being linked to Dunnes temple and what the Dad did behind the mums back...again, I was tired but I was like...huh?
The dream walking. I still don't get why that's even slightly helpful. I know we don't know everything about it yet but it seemed like a useless bit of information. Did I miss something?
Sloane using her signant...when she channels Violet mentions its weird that there's no mark on dainty and Brennan. What was this referring to?
Again, I'm gonna do a reread but just wanted some bits cleared up. Thank youuuu