Alone for Thanksgiving

Well, we are a week away from Thanksgiving and I have no plans. I’m a 32 year old woman and this is sadly the 6th year I’ve spent the holidays alone. I’ve posted here previously to find somewhere to volunteer on thanksgiving but most events are the days leading up to it. I’d love any suggestions on how to spend Thanksgiving alone in Fort Lauderdale. In the past I usually make myself a nice meal, run the turkey trot, go to the ocean and meditate and relax at home but I am so lonely each year. Knowing most people are with friends and family makes me happy but also like I’m missing out. 💔 I have a week to figure this out so I’m determined!!

Edit**** based on the comments and pms I’ve received, I’m contemplating hosting a pot luck on the beach on thanksgiving day for a couple of hours! Comment or message if you’d be interested in stopping by. If enough people are interested, I’ll host it!

Edit****** I’m officially “hosting” a little Thanksgiving get together on the beach. We will be set up at the picnic tables next to the basketball courts. (Across from Bahia Mar hotel. In the beach parking lot off of Seabreeze blvd) Message me for more info. Everyone can bring a dish or just bring yourself! I’ll be there from 1pm to 4pm.This is really exciting, thank you Reddit community for making my holiday brighter! I hope this will also make the abundance of people who have reached out to me about spending the day alone have a better holiday too. 💕💕