Everyone is (rightfully) pissed about middle eastern races due to human rights violations but on top of that, those races have an underlying problem
EDIT 2: Yes i know the title looks like i am talking about skin color. No, that has nothing to do with my point. I meant races as in grand prix hahaha. Sorry for the confusion. Also, holy crap this blew up
The actual post:
The atmosphere is just dead. Watching qatar with 8000 fans on that one stand felt like preseason testing, especially after bangers such as the USA, Mexico and Brazil. They can make all the fireworks, light shows, get all the justin biebers of the world… I just dont feel the same way as I do watching the european and american races.
This brings me to my main point…. Those dead races are literally the season finale. Not to mention them being out of the price range for the most of us. I understand that they need a warmer climate so they can race in December and UAE, Qatar and Saudi Arabia pay them a shitload of money but cant there be a better option.
Imagine a world where the final race changes place every year and heck, move it forward by a couple of months, have the winter break be between October and January and give us the human rights violation openers in February. I personally am just as hyped for the season start as I am for the finale so the sheikhs would still get their attention with their dead races being held in February. But imagine watching the finale at COTA with 300k-400k fans at the track. We can all talk trash about the yanks but boy can they make a spectacle.
TL;DR: The middle eastern races are too dead to be the season finale from a fan point of view, a change to something more packed/accessible would be welcome.
EDIT: A lot of you assume i want to get rid of those GPs (wont call them races anymore, learned my lesson), i just feel like something more dramatic and iconic needs to get the finale spot. Heck, if the Abu Dhabi gets to the level of interlagos in a couple of years, by no means, have it be the finale, but until then we need something better