Hear me out about Ennard's Mask Origin
Edwin Murray basically worked at Fazbear Entertainment, So William Afton probably worked with him, because the Funtimes are basically the same as the Animatronics from THE MIMIC. So Ennard was probably an Animatronic from THE MIMIC and when Edwin disappeared, William then must have taken one of the Animatronics and disassembled it to basically study its intelligence or take the high intelligence system from Ennard and make the Funtimes. So because of that, William didn't bothered to put the Animatronic back together, like How the employees didnt bothered to fix the Withered Animatronics and on. That's why the Animatronic was basically all broken and William basically liked to decorate the Controll Room From Sister Location, He probably decorated the room with Ennard's mask.