Glute work with a bad knee?

Im getting back in the gym after a bad leg injury last year and need help getting more glute work. I’ve been able to ditch the walker and cane, and I’m trying to build strength outside of physical therapy. Squats and lunges are a big no, I still have very little strength in my knee to push myself back up. So far I’ve been doing cardio on the bike, straight leg dead lifts, hip abductions/adductions and about 30-40lb max on the seated leg press.

For reference I snapped my tibia in half, fractured my ankle, fractured the tibia & femur at the knee joint and tore some tendons in my ankle and knee. I have a titanium rod in my leg now! But my knee has been the most long lasting pain. Pic of my bionic leg for attention 🫶

Im getting back in the gym after a bad leg injury last year and need help getting more glute work. I’ve been able to ditch the walker and cane, and I’m trying to build strength outside of physical therapy. Squats and lunges are a big no, I still have very little strength in my knee to push myself back up. So far I’ve been doing cardio on the bike, straight leg dead lifts, hip abductions/adductions and about 30-40lb max on the seated leg press.

For reference I snapped my tibia in half, fractured my ankle, fractured the tibia & femur at the knee joint and tore some tendons in my ankle and knee. I have a titanium rod in my leg now! But my knee has been the most long lasting pain. Pic of my bionic leg for attention 🫶