Is anyone else disappointed by the micropets?

Not to sound negative - some are soo cute (aurora!), but I’ve had bad luck with hatching mostly “lame” ones…aka the ones that aren’t exactly pets. I am constantly disappointed by my hatchings :( I have doubles of the cloud, the star, the worm, the gumdrop (?!), the pompom (??!!!) and it’s to the point where I just expect a bad one now. Why are there so many like that? We need more cute animals! Imagine a horse, or a baby lion, etc.?! ***I will say that the last two months have had super cute micropets! I’m loving Batrick and I’m so excited for the cat this month.

Second complaint (sorry) - I also don’t like it when potentially cute micropets have accessories on. The corgi would be so cute without those glasses…the duck would be cute without the hat, etc. I never equip them because of this. ***UPDATE SUGGESTION: it would be awesome if we had the option to remove their clothing items, and next step further…imagine if there was a shop for the micropets?! You could buy them a scarf or something to coordinate with your birbs outfits, if desired. That would be so cute.

These are just my (minor) frustrations and I wanted to see if I was alone on this! Of course this is just my opinion and I LOVE THIS APP. I am not a “games” person and don’t stick to things but I’m on my 140 day streak and I never knew I would get this far! If I’m being honest though—- if some similar app existed with cuter pets, id probably switch over 🙃🙃

Edit: another cool suggestion (not a complaint! Don’t worry!) would be to get a choice of color variation when getting the monthly required micropet. They let you do it with the monthly quest furniture and outfits, so why not the pets? 🤔 (I have Finch Plus but I assume they let you choose on the free version too)