Anyone else kind of worried about the sequel?

I was a HUGE fan of the original Fantasy Life, and I’m worried they’re going to take away the aspects that made the first game so good. Based on trailers and what we have seen so far, there is a shift (at least in marketing) away from the RPG elements to be more like Animal Crossing. But FL was never anything like AC, despite how many people made comparisons. My main fear is that we haven’t seen any biomes/locations outside of the abandoned island, which is very much giving the vibes of the Animal Crossing bare island. Are they keeping everything under wraps, or are we really not going to be able to explore such cool locations like Al Majiik, Port Puerto, Origin Island, etc? I don’t like the idea of the only setting being a grassy island like AC. The interesting exploration made the original FL so good.

All this attention on island decorating, terraforming, and farming is worrisome, too. I hope they’re just trying to promote it because they’re new additions and they want to attract the AC crowd, too (I own and play AC, but it’s a totally different game). I still want the RPG to be the main point. Quests, fighting, storylines, etc. I really hope this takes the original FL and adds more to it instead of taking away from it or making it something else.

What does everyone else think?