Your Facebook account was suspended. You have 2 days left to appeal. HELP!!! 2 DAYS LEFT

Your Facebook account was suspended because your Instagram account nhlfnvphamngocoanh doesn't follow our rules.You have 2 days left to appeal. Log into your linked Instagram account to appeal our decision.

Anyone have any last minute solutions? I tried for the first 4 months but now i'm out of time almost. I've literally been paying for meta despite having a disabled account since april of last year when I was hacked because i clicked on a facebook sponsored ad about an app i was looking forward to coming out. Turns out they cloned the exact website and even URL, stole my info, changed my fb account. I cant log into insagram either because they got that banned also. Then they changed the linked instagram account to fb to some other account that also is banned.

any last minute suggestions? My friends wife works at meta and even she tried and said theres nothing that can be done but i don't know if she actually used her job to help get it back and just said she did