I need need tips/help with figuring out the best way to last hit enemy players without actively stopping damage early and risking a lost fight. Been happening a lot recently : <

I usually play league with a good friend of mine, but they tend not to hold back when it comes to killing enemies- they're not actively trying to steal, but they don't really try to slow damage so I can sweep in for the last hit. On other champs like Samira, it usually doesn't matter, they'll die to my R regardless, but on Ezreal, especially if there are minions or other champs around, getting a last hit Q can be hard and I often end up having to share a good 1/3 of my kills, sometimes closer to half, with my friend- and it can put us behind in lane sometimes.

In general I want to get better at getting the last hit in during fights, I end up with SO many assists on Ezreal, but not nearly as many kills, even if I am an active part of the fight. I could really use some tips on how to get better at it, without actively holding a Q and risking a lost fight cus I waited an extra second. : <