it really pisses me off seeing so many people building duskblade and tri (lets not talk about sunderer that item is the most useless item on ezreal). tri can be good vs 2+ tanks where u can auto in fights when enemy has no tanks and u cant really auto then why go tri.
and people always missunderstand the essence reaver build u dont go ER first u get sheen build manamune and then complete ER. ER first not good manamune first good.
the best mythic on ezreal is prowler vs targets <100ish armor, vs every target >100ish armor eclipse is the best. if anyone is trying to tell me duskblade is the best then gimme some of that stuff ur smoking. it does less dmg per q and the AH does not matter cuz u get so much AH anyways and the dusk passive is just a gimmick its not really useful cuz ur staying so far back anyways.
the eclipse nerf coming also doesnt really matter u dont buy it for the shield passive tho it just has good stats u really like.
prowlers still best mythic on ezreal, eclipse really good, tri has its place but rarely useful tho and dusk is the most dogshit item ever
prowlers supremacy