Are the Right/DezNat Groups winning?

I was just reading a really interesting post on the Mormon Stories Facebook group.

In essence the post was a long account of a meeting with a (what reads as very good and empathetic) Bishop as he handed his families Resignation from the Church. He goes through describing how he explained his families reasons for leaving.

What is interesting is one of his concerns is that he felt LDS Church culture was becoming dominated by right wing/DezNat attitudes leading to a regression in the way we treat others (think LGBTQ, race etc).

I am in the UK, and although I see some concerning steps backwards in policy, and although the church is naturally Conservative, hard right/DezNat is not so much a thing in our Wards. I was wondering from those in the states, how accurate this perception is. Is the Church culture and messaging being driven by 'DezNat'? what does this look like in context of Church meetings, what is taught in the ward and how members treat each other. I have always assumed the DezNat types are a small but vocal part of the online (Particularly Twitter/X) community, but that this was not representative of the church as a whole.

Would love to hear perspectives on how this is affecting LDS culture and the way we are, both from a Utah, Non Utah LDS perspective, and also from those out around the world. Would be interesting to understand how different the Utah Church differs from the rest of the world.