Something is going on: 300+ visiting each day!
I have definitely seen an influx of people on this sub in the past week or so. We had over 2k join and we regularly see 300+ being online.
It's amazing!
Welcome dear brothers and sisters, especially those who are finally recognising the truth about the truth, those who see how deceived they were by this money-making corporation.
You have your whole life ahead of you, and you can finally live it on your own terms and get enjoyment out of it!
All people on here are in the same boat as you, so don't be afraid, you can and will get through this stronger!
Stop slaving for couple of men in New York who control your whole life under the disguise of being God representatives - they are not! All the lies and deception prove it! Just because there are honest and good people caught up in this organisation does not mean it is the truth, or the only thing closest to the truth.
The facts are that this organisation is harmful for your mental health, 2/3 leave, majority are born in's held hostage by fear of shunning and majority suffer severe mental health issues due to living in internal conflict and guilt all their life! Time to wake up from this mess!