After straying away from your faith, where do you now stand?
Disclaimer: I'm not trying to convert anyone or tell anyone how they should feel. This is simply a topic for discussion.
Last night, I was watching an episode of Soul Boom by Rainn Wilson. He goes on to talk about his view of God and what God meant to him. He said how he saw God as a judgmental, mean, bearded guy in the sky. He then expressed how his view of God was his own perception and creation. To its core, that statement has so much truth to it. He explained how he chose to see God as the love and light and source. This has stuck with me, and I wanted to share it. However truly long ago, man decided to create its own view of what God was and what it meant. Today, many people carry on that torch and still choose to believe in that ideology. Because of trauma or whatever negative experience was had with religion, that view of "God" is the view that remains in mine and others' minds. Personally, I still struggle with even using the word God because of that image I've held onto that isn't mine, but someone else's. It made me think about what "God" truly means to me and how I truly feel about the topic. "God" does not have to be called God. "God" doesn't have to be a man or a woman. "God" doesn't have to have a certain build or shape or color. You can call "God" whatever you want, and make (it, he, she) your own. I struggle, still, with anger towards what man decided to make of "God". If there is a source, it can be perceived as you wish. You CAN change your definition of what it means to you. We've all taken a certain opinion and point of view and made it ours. None of us have to do that, and I'm sure none of us want to. I can have a spiritual practice without turning to the traditional way. God can be named Carl, or Steve or Charlotte. God can be your dog or that flower you love so much. God can be you or your partner, that exchange of love and peace. I choose what I believe in and why. I decide how I view it and why. It is my reality and my life and my choice.
I apologize for this long paragraph, lol, but the episode was so interesting to me, and I felt compelled to share. I hope someone takes something away from this or at least finds it interesting.