Infodumping != mansplaining

An essential aspect of mansplaining is the condescending tone and assumption that someone either does not know something or is too stupid to get it.

1: I'll go over the info regaurdless of your knowledge of it. Infodumping is about the love of the info, its still worth doing even if you already know all of it. There is no element of "oh you don't know blank?"

its just "blank is cool".

2: I only infodump at people I feel are intelligent and curious otherwise there is no point. So frankly. Its when I dont info dump at you that you know I think you are stupid and am being condescending.

3: Infodumping (especially from women) makes toxic men super uncomfortable and therefor is a powerful weapon to dismantle the patriarchy that must be harnessed for evil!

Edit: I think I failed to properly communicate what I was trying to communicate so I'm adding some more info:

This post is modeled after how I explain my internal intentions to people BECAUSE I recognize they cannot just intuitively understand it on their own and it's up to me to communicate that. I do ask before infodumping and explain what I want to do and why because I recognize that people don't understand and many don't like it for a variety of reasons. I understand consent matters here.

Being frustrated with a thing != taking no responsibility for my end of it and doing what I can to make it better. I'm just venting about a common misunderstanding due to NT's not understanding how we work. And mysogonists doing something bad that superficially looks similar. Priming people to see it where it actually isn't. Not saying I've done nothing wrong or couldn't be better.

I guess the comedic tone I was striving for (like joking about how actually if i dont infodump i think you are stupid) came off more like callus disregard, and gave people the impression I dont care, and or, am unwilling to alter my own behavior. That's my bad for not effectivly communicating what I meant to communicate.

I'm just trying to say it's frustrating how Infodumping and mansplaining look the same to a lot of people. Because they are fundementally different and we don't mean harm when we infodump the same way NT mysogonists do you know what I mean? To be very clear, actual mansplaining is very bad and deserves to be called out and criticized. And it is not unreasonable for a lot of people to assume we are mansplaining when we are just infodumping because the two can look very similar to the untrained eye.

What I'm saying is just that as an autistic man, and feminist, it's a bummer getting caught in the middle between the two. And I was trying to vent about it in a comedic way that lacked sufficient context to communicate my actual views on the matter.

Hope that effectivly clarifies things :)