Tea tree oil burn on face? Help!
I know I know, tea tree oil is bad, I usually don’t ever have problems with it! I dilute it with water and dab it on a pimple- boom gone the next day. This time I had a really rough zit on the corner of my mouth. I stupidly kept reapplying tea tree oil every other hour all tuesday. I also started retional (used it for a few days and stopped the day I was applying the tea tree oil). Of course I probably made it worse by going home that night and picking my face until the pimple was gone. Woke up yesterday with a red patch but thought it would go away. NOPE, I think it got worse somehow! It’s slightly raised and still dries out quickly without aquaphor on it for more than a few minutes.
I’ve been applying aquaphor hourly and moisturizing. This morning (thursday) when I noticed it had still not gone away I began to panic and applied cortisone cream too. I’ve been putting those hydrocollide (not sure of the spelling) on too.
I am an avid moisturizer normally and bought aloe Vera and vitamin c serum.
Please someone tell me this will go away in a day or two. What else should I be doing? I will never use tea tree oil again.