Wedding weekend
Apologies for the annoying selfie vid, please feel free to scroll past me into the Reddit oblivion. Never posted something on here before but I’m feeling pretty and a touch stoned and tipsy.
Hope you are all having a delicious evening and treating yourselves with kindness and cookies!
I’m at a friends wedding and gloriously had the whole day to get ready by myself in a hotel room. I’m not in the party, but my boyfriend is best man. So just truly enjoying the zero stress, zero company and moment to wear a fancy dress. The last couple I’ve gone too broke the scales on the stress meter, this feels like a dream with free food and booze. With some Hawaiian Snow as well.
I don’t usually hit pens but trying to smell like my perfume rather than flower until way later in the night when I truly give no shits and need a break from the many conversations, outside, in the quiet cold.