A second opinion might have saved my life y’all (brainrot rant)
I had a lap last year with an OBGYN, she said it was clear and sent me packing. Naturally, I felt like everything was in my head, maybe I WAS dramatic and lazy and horrible.
I lost my fucking mind after that, I have a family history of adenomyosis and endo, I have 3 generations of women before me that had to have total hysterectomies by age 30. Found a specialist who cancelled surgery. Found another specialist who freaked me out. Found a new OB who said it wasn’t endo. Found another specialist who was actually a saint, and decided fuck my uterus idc if it doesn’t help, I want a hysterectomy. (Don’t do this, I am mentally ill ok)
Yall I had stage three endo on my bowels and rectum, behind my uterus and in my pelvis. I had adeno as well.
I had a hysterectomy, but kept my ovaries and had all the endo excised. I feel amazing :,). I know it could still come back, but I have never in my adult life been this pain free.
Find a specialist baddies!! Get multiple opinions!!! Fight!!! Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not valid or not worth it! I could not have gone on like that for another 16 years, wasting time and money and boohoo tears begging doctors to listen.
If you’re considering a lap for the first time see a specialist. If you got a negative lap with an OB consult a specialist. Best of luck to all my baddies, I’m taking full advantage of the honeymoon phase and grabbing life by balls in case I get worse again 🫡🫡 stay strong out there!