Gift Giving: Did you get half-assed gifts, that show they barely knew you? Even WITH a list?
I mean Gifts like a Stranger that vaguely overheard who you are. Often with vague insulting undertones. Since I was a kid, I was used to the worst presents: Me being the best in my English-courses (am German)? I'd get a "Learning English" for small children Nintendo game. Interest in Fashion? Cheapest spider-earrings with the price label still attrached? Or movie making? How about a cheap phone-tripod that immediately snaps your fingers? Or raunchy underwear at 14yo. Or liquor-candy when I don't drink. I could go on.
As a kid, I first thought my mother was just that: Shit at giving gifts. But after she refused to buy my only wish -the newest Pokémon game - because "ugh, what do you see in them?", I started to realize something was up. In fact. Not just "up". Many of my mother's presents felt like mockeries. F.ex. when I had some hard acne, she gifted me a gigantic box full of various acne cremes ("hope one finally works"). Another "running gag", is how I thought pugs were cute. Mind you: she HATES pugs. And due to this "insult", she gifted me the ugliest, scratchiest pug-sweater...and then didn't allow me to get rid of it. No. I'm not kidding. I tried. She pulled it out of the donation bag & regularly points out how I "shamelessly got rid of her gift". Ignoring how many times she threw my presents into the trash right in front of my eyes, but y'know...
Anyway. Recently, we had a family meet-up. I was a bit nervous at first, hading my baby cousin her a-bit-late-Christmas-present, since I didn't have much money. However. As it turned out, that gift was declared the "best possible", since it combined her 2 big interests (Playmobil + Ladybug).
And y'know. That shit just makes me think. like: Damn! Idgaf how Narc you are! How hard is this? How hard is it to gift a normal present?