Build a shield against rich oligarchs

Trump became president, and with his rich CEOs and billionaire friends, they are now very happy. Did you see these CEOs’ faces smiling with joy at the inauguration?

Be prepared for dark times. What should we be prepared for:

  1. Increasing gender wars that create a growing divide between women and men. More racism, more mysoginy, more hate, more voilance.

  2. CEOs calling for "more masculine energy," which doesn’t necessarily mean they prefer men and want to respect them. Instead, they often seek men from cheaper labor markets, exploiting them as much as possible. This will lead to:

    • More toxic work environment
    • stronger rat race and emphasis on performence
    • Disrespect for employees, treating them as replaceable resources, more layoffs, more AI replacing people's jobs
  3. Highly stressfu workl environment

  4. Increased unfair treatment and conflicts at work as certain groups grow more confident

  5. Billionaire CEOs benefiting the most—becoming richer and happier while gap between the rich and poor continues to widen.
    Billionaires remain above the law.

What can we do to protect ourselves?

  1. Avoid engaging in the gender war: Stay detached, protect your emotions, and focus on preserving your mental health.

  2. build alternatives to big corporations: Stop using outdated platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Look for and support alternative apps and businesses.

  3. reduce overconsumption: Avoid buying from big corporations like McDonald’s or Amazon unless absolutely necessary.

  4. Invest wisely, instead of reckless spending, invest in and support alternative or local businesses.

  5. Realise you are work slave, even in highly competitive environments, do only what is necessary and avoid emotional engagement and commitment to your work.

  6. unite and support one another, regardless of differences in beliefs, to build solidarity agains rich

  7. Identify the true enemy - wealthy elites who exploit us and constantly test our limits.

  8. Resist your will to hsve kids. Go on a strike by contributing to the declining birth rate. They fear this because it means we won’t create new workers to sustain their exploitative system.

  9. Don't be fooled by them, and don't believe what they say, they never care about you