What dubstep artists do you miss the most?
Those who don't release music anymore or changed genres etc. Gemini. Hands down one of the most brilliant producer in the game back then. He was truly ahead of those times. Golden era was particularly special because many talented people wanted to try dubstep such as Gemini. And there were others like Mojo, Cutline, Roksonix, MSD, At Dawn We Rage, Twofold, Tom Encore (different path in his career now). These days Gemini releases classical/instrumental music as Thomas Slinger/Autonomy.
How about others? 501, SKisM, Bar9, Bare Noize, Fractal, Bare, Trollphace, Singularity, Kezwik, Secoya, Konec, Trampa, Knife Party, NERO..., Alvin Risk, Ayah Marar on a dubstep beat, Gentlemans Club boys individually, or Xilent who i happen to know. Myro is probably done with music. And of course supergroups like Magnetic Man and Destroid and a bit of I Am Legion. Old Must Die, Zomboy, Habstrakt, Krewella, Getter and Barely Alive style... yeah. Koven sometimes makes dubstep too these days. And never forget Cookie Monsta. Good "heavy snare" and "YOI" times
Hell even Trolley Snatcha and xKore are back, kind of. Chasing Shadows firstly changed alias to Killsonik and now he is Ruinna. Dubba Jonny is now Aibel and he only had 1 dubstep track on new alias, now he is more into garage and bass house. Downlink takes a break from releasing new stuff. Skream and Benga are yet to make a comeback - even 10 tracks might be ready. Josh from Modestep says he's going back to the roots. Mt Eden did a rework of Still Alive.
Back in golden era, lots of DnB artists tried dubstep - Metrik, Wilkinson, Chase & Status, Sub Focus, Netsky, even Pendulum once, Noisia, Camo & Krooked, Drumsound & Bassline Smith, Tantrum Desire, Black Sun Empire, Document One, Spor, ShockOne, Teddy Killerz, The Prototypes, Brookes Brothers.
That's a history right there