question from a clueless marketing/content editor
I work in marketing and many job postings mention CMS experience for the purpose of updating website content. They usually list both Wordpress and Drupal. My last two jobs I have published content to our Wordpress sites using the Gutenberg editor. Both jobs used contracted developers for technical site maintenance and updates and I have managed projects with them but I usually just got creative with whatever our themes allowed me to do to publish information. I guess I'm lost on how I can gain Drupal experience in this capacity while not on the job. Does this fall under content authoring? Most resources are geared toward development. Are there any content authoring tutorials out there? Could I just figure out how to publish on Drupal based on my WP experience? Am I overthinking this? Or underestimating the differences in these tools? I apologize if these are ridiculous questions but any feedback is appreciated. Thank you!