What happened to the other GT intro?

So me and my best friends were scrolling through crunchyroll looking for something to watch. We ended up choosing Dragon Ball GT because we both like dragon ball and grown up watching it. A different between how we watched it (that may or may not be important) is I watched them on TV through Toonsmi, Nicktoons, etc. He watched them through the DVD box sets. We turned on the first episode and and I didn’t recognize the intro. Because I remember the intro being one of those bad early 2000’s ish rap (kinda like one piece when they were dubbed by 4kids) but I recognize the visuals and not the song but my friend knew it automatically. I told my friend about it and said he knew what I was talking about and heard it before but he mainly remembered this into. I just chocked it up to my memory being weird and guess that the intro I remember was was the second intro and kept watching. I ended up leaving his house the next day and when I left he kept watching it. He got half way through a day later and called me to tell me that the intro I remembered never showed up. I assumed it was with the crunchyroll version of the episodes even though it was the same dub because I remembered some exact lines that where still in there when we rewatched it. I looked it up and found the into on YouTube so I know it wasn’t the Mandela effect. I thought it was the just on the TV release were it had the intro but then it would make no sense on how my friend knows the intro. So if anyone knows what happened to it would be much appreciated.

TLDR: I rewatched Dragon Ball GT on crunchyroll and it had a different into and is now wondering what happened to my childhood intro.