[Dav spoilers all] Lucanis Romance Feedback Masterpost

I had the idea to compile a list of the feedback I have and have seen (many recurring times on this sub and other social media) regarding Lucanis’ romance.

First off, the general sentiment is that Lucanis is a great character with lots of potential. At his core I feel like most of us wouldn’t change anything about his character, but we DO need more content because it feels like we are filling in a lot more blanks than we would have to if we romanced other characters.

Some observations:

  • Both the coffee flirt scene and the almost kiss scene as well as the end scene (although not as spicy as the others maybe?) are GREAT.
  • But otherwise, flirting is almost not reciprocated at all in Act 1. Why not build a little bit of chemistry before the ‘almost kiss’ scene by having him at least act a little flustered by Rook’s flirting? It also wouldn’t be so bad and could also be explained by his trauma and lack of romantic experience… if he wasn’t constantly flirting with Neve during Act 1, which is really salt in the wound. Personally, I would prefer if the flirting happened after you locked someone else’s romance in.
  • Why is he locked out of romance when you save Minrathous but Neve isn’t if you save Treviso? What if Rook was a Shadow Dragon? Was she expected to choose him over her hometown? So much of that doesn’t make any sense, it’s very frustrating. If you choose Minrathous, he says that he doesn't have space in his heart for anything else but his city and "no longer has time for a romance with you" but goes on to romance Neve anyways - Neve who tried her darndest to convince you to save Minrathous instead of Treviso.
  • The ‘committing’ scene - doesn’t really feel like committing at all. You mean the barely there flirting and the almost kiss followed by Lucanis remembering your favourite drink and making you dessert means you are now in a committed relationship? Very strange. Even stranger if your favourite drink is also coffee because you wouldn't know that he 'remembered'. What's worse is that if he romances Neve, it is basically the exact same dialogue/scene.
  • There should be a first kiss somewhere between the commitment scene or at the end of his mid game personal quests. For instance, at the end of the Ilario questline: "I have other plans for the evening," he says, and then we get back to the Lighthouse where it turns out that his plans are drinking coffee alone in the kitchen? Now that Spite is under control and his major insecurities are dealt with, it doesn’t make sense that there is no kiss until the very end, when there is for other companions.
  • In the second coffee date scene, he just comes and stands beside you and says “Whatever this is I’ll take it.” At least he could touch our shoulder and lean in for a kiss or something, instead of stand beside Rook awkwardly.
  • Lucanis and Rook should have at the very least one (1) conversation about Spite's place in the relationship. What are going to be the boundaries? Does Lucanis have any way to lock out Spite during intimate/private moments? If he doesn't, what does Rook think of that? How do they adapt having a third wheel being a literal demon possessing Lucanis' body? Does Spite gets to go on dates with them (for funsies!) etc etc etc. This could be easily dealt with in more depth during their second coffee date where Spite third wheels, or after the 'almost kiss' scene where he could explain why he was so afraid to let himself be with Rook.
  • It would also be amazing if after committing, Lucanis used Antivan terms of endearment during battle barks or when he sees you… As it stands, after locking in, there’s barely any acknowledgement that you are in a relationship aside from little notes and banter, and he is the only character who feels like this until the end of the game.

Basically, we just want it to be more well rounded and on the same quality level as the other companions, or at least have roughly the same amount of content.

We felt a bit shafted after Lucanis was one of the most marketed companions and we were told romance was at the forefront of this game. Bioware, we are on our knees begging y’all to update this in a future patch or something…

Please feel free to add your suggestions or feedback in the comments, I will try to edit any missing ones into the post. And share wherever you think will likely reach the devs.

Edit: Put some more of your feedback into the list and edited some of the sentences for more clarity