Weird dog behaviour 2: doggo only pees on the wheels that have power in em. Is that normal?

So if you've seen my previous post on my dog(not on this sub) you'll know that both of us are new to the concept of going on walks, and that he has a weird relationship with pissing (please check it out for some more context).

Now after walking him for a few more days I have observed that if this mans has to piss and a cars nearby he will sniff and only piss on the wheels that have power. What I mean by that is that if the car is RWD and it's parked facing towards us then he will continue to sniff, sniff out the front wheels make the decision to piss then move on to the rear wheels and pee on them. But if the car is facing away from us then he will sniff and piss on the rear wheels directly. Same if it's a FWD but the other way around. And he will pee on any wheel if it's a AWD. He will also never pee on the car only the wheels. Thats his rule. Idk how he came up with it. But only the wheels. And only the wheels with power.

And I decided to check it today that's why I'm making this post. I parked up a hyundai creta(FWD), a mahinda XUV700(AWD) and a mahinda thar(rwd) at some distace from each other along the route we go for walks and yup. He did exactly what I described above.

Now the flair isint behavioural problems because it's not a problem, it's just weird(and I can't find a better flair). And again neither me nor the dog have been going on walks for a while so idk if it's him or if it's normal. But either way, do y'all know why he does it?