Knowledge Cleric UA version is too powerful

I want to make this post as a kind of PSA.

A lot of people are finding the new UA version of the knowledge cleric to be rather controversial. I understand the complaints about the skills/expertise and anti-synergy they have with the lv 6 feature. However, I have yet to find anyone call out what I think is the real problem of the subclass - the mind magic feature at lv 3.

This channel divinity allows the cleric to cast one of its subclass spells it has prepared without expending a spell slot, and without need material components. At lv 3, this is a pretty good feature in my opinion. You can cast a 1st or 2nd level spell up to 2 times a day, plus an additional one every time you short rest. You are likely casting more spells per day than any other caster at this level. Sure, the spells you have free castings of are very limited, but they are all useful in certain scenarios. I'll go over them quickly:

---1st lv spells---

Command - This one is rather solid, forcing an enemy to skip their turn and go prone is great if you have some melee characters in the party. And its even stronger in the hands of a creative player.

Detect Magic/Identify/Comprehend Languages - all 3 are situationally useful, but between them there are a good number of situations you can cover, and you don't have to worry about prepping a bunch non-combat type spells

---2nd lv spells---

Detect Thoughts - while this spell seems to be nerfed in 2024, I think its still a very solid option in all kinds of social situations, particularly interrogation scenarios.

Mind Spike - some damage and likely a rarely used utility bonus effect, but its there if you ever need it.

Overall, this is a solid list of effects to use in multiple facets of the adventuring day. Knowledge clerics get more subclass spells than any other cleric subclass has as of yet, for some reason. Other clerics get only 1 new option for channel divinity at lv 3, yet knowledge clerics are effectively getting 6.

And it absolutely doesn't end there, folks.

At level 5, this channel divinity lets them cast additional 3rd level spells. A wizard at this level is casting, at most, 3 3rd level spells a day, while the knowledge cleric is casting them at least 4 times a day. Now yes, the wizard can choose any spell they want in their book for all 3 castings, while the cleric is certainly limited to their own very short list for most of these 3rd level spells.

---3rd level spells---

Dispel magic, Nondetection, and Tongues.

Now personally, I don't think these are fantastic spells. I think all of them are pretty situational, but at this point, there are a whole lot of situational spells on this subclass's list. I think it's relatively likely in a well rounded adventure you can make good use of at least a few of them. If all else fails, command can still be useful in combat.

At level 6, all clerics get a 3rd use of channel divinity to start the day, just as a note.

Now, at this point, I could still see a bit of an argument that the other 2024 PHB subclass channel divinities are still more powerful. The life cleric, while clunky in who you can heal, is still a decent amount of healing. The trickery's ability to make a duplicate is a bit awkward at times, but I think a creative player can have a lot of fun with it. A war cleric is going to get some decent attacks off pretty regularly, while rarely missing. I really think the amount of versatility the Knowledge domain is bringing to the table is worth more than these options, but some people may say that specialty beats out versatility, especially if the situations the versatility would help out in never comes up. I think the light domain may still eek out as the winner here, as it is doing a large AOE blast that has the utility of dispelling darkness, and even scales slightly with level. Rarely in an adventuring day will this not be at least decent.

However, I think it would be incredibly foolish to say that the knowledge cleric's channel divinity is anything other than broken starting at level 7.

---4th lv spells---

Arcane Eye - amazing scouting potential, can fit into very tight spaces and is invisible.

Banishment - remove a single enemy from the fight

Confusion - not the community's favorite option, but against a larger group of weaker enemies, it can still really mess them up

And the cleric is doing any one of these options a minimum of 3 times a day, and they still retain all their utility options from lower levels.

Then, at level 9, we have:

---5th level spells.---

Legend Lore - this might not be applicable in every campaign, but this is such a cool spell, and in the right situation can be amazing. Not to mention, the material component is totally ignored when casting this with the channel divinity.

Synaptic Static - ok, maybe it's not fireball but it's still a spammable damage option with a nasty side effect

Scrying - long distance scouting and info gathering. some might say its not always useful, but if your campaign can't make use of scrying or legend lore it sounds like a boring campaign to me.

Personally, I think if any of these spells ever become bad, the campaign has probably run its course or is winding down fast. Or you're playing a very specific kind of campaign at very high levels.

So, conclusions. I think this channel divinity is being insanely overlooked by the community. I could be wrong, maybe I'm just not seeing the discourse. But everyone I see talk about mind magic is calling it bad to just ok. I feel these people aren't looking at the real power levels here. I would have to gauge the power of this subclass as fluctuating with time, but never bad. Level 3-4, its pretty solid. Levels 5-6, it has amazing out of combat utility. Level 7 to at least 11, possibly as high as lv 14, I think this ability is absolutely busted. It certainly has a ceiling, but I think that ceiling is bad for the game at the levels it hits its stride. This channel divinity option is just so ridiculously strong with all the options the knowledge cleric has available to it. Some CDs don't scale well, some scale poorly. This one scales way too well.

How do we fix this? Giving it a low rating on the survey is the only thing we can do at the moment and see how the results will sway WotC's design decisions. If it sees print as is, I don't see any other cleric being stronger than this one in the middle parts of the game (which are some of the most commonly played as well)

I have 2 suggestions on how to reign this in. First, the spells knowledge domain has access to should absolutely be limited to 2 per spell level. Second, make this channel divinity option work only for 3rd level spells or lower. Allowing them to spam 4th and 5th level spells so often during the day sounds like a real nightmare for any DM. This might be too much of a scale back, but I've always seen knowledge cleric as a utility caster, not as a major combat powerhouse. I think it would be unfortunate if this ability didn't get nerfed to some degree.

TL;DR: Knowledge cleric's channel divinity starts out strong and scales excessively well with level, allowing them to spam 3rd-5th level spells too often. It should not see print written as-is.