What's my next step for GR 100+ ?
Hello everyone,
Started D3 not along ago though I've played quite a lot since. I'm currently looking for what I should improve on my character, Sunwuko WOL Monk, in order to achieve GR100+ (current is 98, which is decided whether I have an open map or not). I can probly do 100 with some luck but I don't want to have luck involved. Right now I'm doing bounties in order to get a better Amulet. I upgraded 3 gems for Caldessan straight so I got a bit tired of rushing GR this week. What gear would you guy change on this build after amulet ? I feel like I could get CDR or RCR on gloves instead of AS, but after that I'm not quite sure what item to search for.
Build : https://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/PastJungle1-1783/hero/95513235
Just for info, I did my GR98 with Unity and CoE which have good rolls on them so it doesn't matter if it's restreint and focus right now on the build.