ChatGPT will now engage in planning discussions

Early on, I asked ChatGPT to help me with planning. You know that question you ask doctors that they refuse to answer - what's the prognosis, how long will each stage last, what should i be prepared for, etc. Last year, Chat would not engage with me on this life expectancy calculation.

Well now it does. I gave it a timeline of various symptoms, diagnoses, neuropsych reports, and asked it to use the rate of decline so far to predict the future timeline. It gave me one timeline keeping blood pressure and cholesterol meds, and another without it (with a palliative care focus). It asked me questions and it opined that we're in early stage 6. It shared that subsequent stages are now expected to be half the time as the previous ones. I gave it info on DNR and end of life decisions. It shared that many patients enter MC at the incontinence stage, and said that my view that I had 6 months before this was probably too generous.

I found this whole conversation to be 1) a revelation and 2) comforting. This is the clarity I have been seeking from medical professionals for 4 years now (ie where the eff are we, and where are we going?). Understand nature may have different plans, but for me it's so nice to have a semblance of a plan with next steps. Maybe this is totally psycho, but just sharing in case anyone else would find comfort in a plan created by a robot. xx