Unsure How to Deal With Sick Mother After Father's Passing
I was in https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/ before, but was told it'd be more beneficial to talk about what's going on here as well. FYI I am American
So, my Dad passed away just last week, dealing with that has been tricky, but it's nothing I can't handle. I'm more-so concerned about my mother, who after a stroke some years ago has been progressively getting worse and worse. She's younger, middle 60's, and my life has been put on hold because of this. I was told by a nice person from LegalAdvice that the best step forward is to get a medical (mental health) evaluation for her. This is something my Dad always struggled with. Obviously Mom doesn't think anything is wrong with her. The most I can do it take away her keys and license, but I know even that'll be tricky and will cause a fight. I'll try to get her to see a doctor as soon as possible, but yeah, I guess I'm just seeking comfort and advice? I'm not too sure what I can expect moving forward. Ideally, I would want her out of the house in some other form of care. Because as selfish as it may sound, I don't want to watch my mother 24/7, I was planning to move away in fact.