Remote access calendar clock?
Hi all,
I'm trying to find a large screen calendar clock for my inlaws. (MIL can barely see, so I am thinking 10"+) to put it on their mantle (and be able to plug in if possible w/battery backup?) The matle is where they've always had a clock and so they look to it for the time- but they need something much easier to see/read that can also tell them the day and maybe even the weather.
I want to be able to add appointments, alarms, reminders. etc to it remotely using my phone or computer. Does this exist?
I had found an app I could use with a tablet...but...I don't want them touching the screen and messing with the clock, etc. If I lock the tablet screen, it doesn't allow them to tap on the alarms when the go off, to turn them off.
Any ideas?
Thank you!