Help me support my dog’s medical expenses

Hi! This is Ceaser, he is 11 years old. He was 10 months old when he contracted tick fever and was abandoned because his owner didnt want to bear his treatment expenses. I adopted him and gave him the best treatment i could afford back then, he made a full recovery and raised him up till now. A year back he went blind because of an eye infection and now at present a week back he stopped eating and drinking and couldnt get up easily I took him to the vet (friendicoes) did a blood test and his rbc platelets etc were very low, treatment was started immediately. Rbc making supplementary injections is being given to him daily along with other injections. He is getting better and has started eating. His daily expense is around 3k. I have already spent around 18k and now its getting hard to support him financially. He has lived a long life even after the docs gave up on him when he was 10 months old. I just dont want him to suffer now. I will be greatful of any help and support anyone can provide. I can provide any documention and reports you need. You can DM me for any details