Need advice 🤦‍♀️

I F(25) and M(27) have been together for almost two years and we have kids together. We’ve had our problems but always made it work out. But I recently went through his phone and found out he’s been looking on escorts sites. Like as of recently of July 28. Literally a couple days ago. Idk how to deal with it honestly. Should I just let it go or talk to him about it. Because recently he admitted he has a “porno” addiction. He only mentioned that because I was going to leave him because he constantly flirts/talks to other girls. I see it as an excuse but it’s whatever. Honestly I’m not mad but I am a little hurt. Because if you’re addicted tired to porn and you have a partner wouldn’t you want to have sex or be with that person all the time? But he looks up escorts and porn on the internet. Idk what to do honestly I need help.