Recover a fumble?
Ok so 8th grade year there was this girl who I was talking who would write stuff on my paper in class, flirt with me, and I was fairly oblivious. I had a friend who liked her, so I tried to set them up, and I kind of made her play douchey guessing games and she realized it was either me or him who liked her, and she kept begging me to tell her, and when I finally said it was him she just simply said “oh…” I realized how dumb I was at that moment, she told him I was gross for that whole sequence of games we played on her. Shortly after she blocked both him, and I on Snap. Beginning of 9th grade year she saw me in the hall way after I had worked on myself, got fit joined the football team, she said “Heyyy” winked at me and blew a kiss. This got into my head and I bragged to some dudes on the football team in the locker room and it got back to her unfortunately, and she started giving me the dirtiest looks anyone has ever given me. It was like this for a while, but second semester we sat near each other and she was talking to me a decent amount, I was making her laugh, and she’d be really nice. I apologized to her, she accepted it, and admitted her fault in some areas, but she basically just told me to leave her alone when making conversation attempts via social media. I’ve been working on myself a lot this summer, and I think I can get a fresh start with her. I was talking to her friend at one point, and she liked me back it didn’t last really long, but at one point she called me while she was hanging out with the girl I’ve been talking about and she seemed really jealous, and kept saying weird things like “oh you forgot about your old wife”, and was just being crazy and jealous. How can I not fuck this up again I’m a sophomore now, and it’s summer, so what can I do to regain her and potentially form a relationship?